GSync Manager

Key Features
- Management of Synchronization devices manufactured by GILLAM (Unisync, US5G, PTP master, …) as well as PTP management with support for 3rd party PTP devices
- Detailed graphical views of managed equipments with dynamic information
- Network Management: interactive geographical maps of networks (countries down to areas) with topological and GISinformation.
- Real-time and historical Performance Management
- Extensive Fault Management with comprehensive filtering and alarm prioritisation
Flexible Configuration, Inventory and Security Management - Proven multi-tier software architecture with hot-standby redundancy
- Highly Scalable
- SNMP north-bound interface for OSS integration
- Multi-platform clients including Windows™, Linux and WEB browsers
GSyncManager Information
GSyncManager is a complete software solution for the management of Synchronization networks.
GSyncManager is the result of the continued development of a general-purpose SCADA system focused on Synchronization and Electrical devices management.
Modular and evolving architecture
As a management system designed for equipments manufactured by GILLAM, GSyncManager adapts to new functionalities as requirements evolve.
Thanks to its modular client/server architecture and its evolutionary Open-Source SQL database, the system can be easily upgraded to account for network evolution and manage new generations of equipments.
As an open and modular system, including OPC connectivity, GSyncManager can monitor and remote-control 3rd party network elements with adequate drivers, providing a seamless and integrated fault management.
GSyncManager can be configured in hot-standby mode with redundant servers and redundant LAN.
Main Network view
GSyncManager main view displays comprehensive information about the network health.
Alarms counters with severity provide instant access to network elements in detailed views.
A hierarchical and interactive graphical map of the network highlights pending problems. Details of the Synchronization Network appear through easy navigation steps. Any network element can be reached in a few clicks.
Shortcuts to key views and alarm synthesis functionalities based on real-time information help navigation in large networks.
Equipments views
GSyncManager provides detailed graphical “front-panel like” views of managed synchronization equipments with dynamic information.
Such views are automatically built and updated with actual equipments configuration, provisioning and real-time states.
Colours and frames highlight faults and help operators focus on problems by severity levels.
An equipment view is fully interactive. Graphical elements are mouse sensitive, provide contextual information and allow access to detailed information and remote-control operations with respect to the operator’s profile.
Fault Management
GSyncManager Fault Manager handles events, messages and status information from all network elements.
Events and alarms are displayed using a set of predefined colours and formats for rapid intelligibility.
Hints and operational information help operators fixing problems.
Up to 1.000.000 events are logged for long-term analysis and correlation.
Alarms prioritisation and extensive “on-the-fly” filtering functionalities allows for instant and effective problem solving.
Configuration Management
GSyncManager Configuration Manager allows administrators to prepare and modify the network database: network elements configuration, topological links, geographic information (GIS).
Hierarchical layouts and filtering helpers facilitate data navigation and retrieval.
Configuration possibilities are restricted to the operator’s profile.
Security Management
GSyncManager allows system administrators to define user profiles with extended flexibility. Standard configurations include common profiles ranging from View Only to Administrator authority levels. Custom profiles can be prepared if needed.
Remote access to equipments conform to the NESSA (Network System Security Administration) requirements.
Inventory Management
GSyncManager has automatic and dynamic inventory data management with advanced filtering and reporting facilities.
Support for remote software upgrades is in the package.
Synchronization Management
Performance Management
Inputs, Oscillators and Feeback Monitoring performance retrieval, display and reporting (plots and tabular information)
Dynamic topology-based network analysis
Performance Information is gathered for inputs, oscillators and feedback monitoring
Dynamic TIE, TDEV, MRTIE, LMRTIE, FFOFF short and long-term plots are available with template comparison.
Network Integration
With its optional SNMP export module, GSyncManager provides north-bound network connectivity for centralized management integration. Events, status and alarms are forwarded to external systems with SNMP (v1,v2,v3) traps.
Overall network configuration and status can be fetched with SNMP operations.
PTP and NTP Management
GSyncManager handles GILLAM PTP master cards in single and redundant configuration.
GSyncManager displays dynamic PTP client discovery and clock information.
Single and redundant NTP cards management is available as well.
Extended Performance Management
The extended performance module provides in-depth analysis of oscillators ageing by observation of long-term control voltage variations.
Hints for best oscillator selection are given. Alarms are triggered before reaching usability thresholds.
GSyncManager identifies failures on equipments, their intrinsic quality (oscillators performance, …) and the network quality (time spent in compliance with G811, G812, …).
Extended reports on oscillators and synchronization links behaviours help GSyncManager operators to identify network problems.
With topology-based timing loops recognition, GSyncManager detects loops conditions before they are actually detected by equipments.
According to signals origin (PRS, GPS, …), links and network elements are colorized in maps and special conditions (such as Oscillators Holdover in Synchronization networks) propagation are highlighted.
Those computations are recorded for long-term analysis in the extended Performance Management module
GSyncManager Specifications
Management Capacity
Up to 2000 Network Elements
Gillam product support
GSyncManager has support for the following GILLAM products:
- US5GeP
- US5Ga
- US2G
- US3G
- US4G
Management Protocols
- TL1, SNMP (v1, v2, v3), HTTP, TCP/IP, UDP
- NESSA (Network System Security Administration) for TL1 equipments
- OPC connectivity
Operating System Requirement
Linux Redhat 6+ or CentOS 5+ (32 or 64 bit)
User Interface Client
- Modern UI built with Qt Framework
- Native Windows™ native displays
- Linux native displays.
- Web-based clients: Internet explorer 6+, Chrome and Firefox
- Flexible SQL database and topological information
- GSyncManager is powered by PostgreSQL, an advanced Open-Source database system. This means that every network element (or any part of it) is described in this database and can be fetched with a rich query language, including real-time information.
- Configuration Management:
- Creation, modification and deletion of Network Elements
- Network Topology and GIS.
- System configuration
Inventory Management
- Network Elements information retrieval.
- Devices identification and description
- Data filtering and reporting
- Detailed S/N and Hardware/Software versioning information
Security Management
- User administration with predefined and custom profiles
- Login management
- Secured SSH and SSL connections.